All About Me

I live in a small village along the Welsh coast of Wales, and my office overlooks one of the picturesque beaches that Wales is famous for. I’ve always had a love of writing, but my spelling is well let’s just say it’s bad. Now I love my laptop which corrects it automatically, hallelujah!
Contemporary romance is what I love to write, sometimes with a little suspense thrown in.
Although I would be the first to agree with my daughter’s analogy that I’m as scatty as my lovely cat Molly. Getting lost, trying to board the wrong flights and losing my luggage are just a few of the many mishaps that seem to happen to me.
Rambling away in an old cottage with just my cat for company, I can be seen at my desk typing away as quickly as my fingers will allow, helping my characters to come alive.
I am the oldest of three sisters, and they would probably agree that I can be just a little bossy…okay, a lot bossy! My family is so important to me, and living in proximity of each other means that myself and my sisters meet up frequently for sneaky lunches where a glass or two of chardonnay is absolutely on the menu.
Blessed with a daughter who is a teacher, and a son who works in the family business, life is good.
Contemporary romance is what I love to write, sometimes with a little suspense thrown in.
Although I would be the first to agree with my daughter’s analogy that I’m as scatty as my lovely cat Molly. Getting lost, trying to board the wrong flights and losing my luggage are just a few of the many mishaps that seem to happen to me.
Rambling away in an old cottage with just my cat for company, I can be seen at my desk typing away as quickly as my fingers will allow, helping my characters to come alive.
I am the oldest of three sisters, and they would probably agree that I can be just a little bossy…okay, a lot bossy! My family is so important to me, and living in proximity of each other means that myself and my sisters meet up frequently for sneaky lunches where a glass or two of chardonnay is absolutely on the menu.
Blessed with a daughter who is a teacher, and a son who works in the family business, life is good.
Where It All Began....

As a young child I loved to write. I always carried a notebook and pen around with me and wrote about everything. It was a dream to become a published author. However sometimes in life our dreams get pushed to one side, as mine did. So, dare I say at the young age of fifty I think it is time for me to see if those dreams are everything I hoped they would be...and hey it's never too late to go and grab that dream!
I have been through many major changes in my working life ranging from a Diana nurse, running my own skin care business, helping with the family run bus company and even hairdressing, but my heart has always belonged to putting words on paper and making them come to life.
Recently I managed to get in contact with my best friend from Scotland who I hadn't seen for over forty years. She lives in America and every year without fail I make the trip over to North Carolina to visit with her and her gorgeous family. This is where I have gained a lot of inspiration for many of my stories.
I have been through many major changes in my working life ranging from a Diana nurse, running my own skin care business, helping with the family run bus company and even hairdressing, but my heart has always belonged to putting words on paper and making them come to life.
Recently I managed to get in contact with my best friend from Scotland who I hadn't seen for over forty years. She lives in America and every year without fail I make the trip over to North Carolina to visit with her and her gorgeous family. This is where I have gained a lot of inspiration for many of my stories.
I am living my lifelong dream of becoming an author something which I never imagined happening. If I had to give any advice to an un-published author it would be 'Never give up the dream' because I never did.